Monday, April 22, 2013

In a nutshell...

Wow! It's been almost 10 days since my last post... And not a lot has happened since then, but a quick recap is in order:

My girlfriends and I got together for our monthly "Round Table" meeting. This is just what we call our monthly "binge eating/bitch about our crazy lives" gathering. Which has only been done at rectangle and oval tables, so not really sure why we call it a "Round Table" meeting?? My only guess is that we drink lots and lots of wine on these nights and I am sure that is what happened! Remember, we are some funny, classy bitches! **refer to previous blog post!**

My kids are crazier than ever! I really wish this crazy Michigan weather would decide that Spring can officially stay! Mostly because I need my kids to play outside... Desperately!!! We are all going a little Winter stir crazy in this house!

Last week was pretty rough for my workouts and eating healthy... And I was pretty hard in myself! My hubby and my girlfriends are pretty my rocks and I love them all so, so much for all the support! Even if it is providing me with comfort food that is so good, but so bad ;)

I am working on a post to explain why my week was so rough. It involves discussing something very personal for me, and it's taken a little time to write... Bare with me a few days and I will fill you all in :)

Date night with the hubby Saturday turned into an impromptu Round Table meeting at Joe's Crab Shack and some bar hopping after and it was such a great night! Filled with food, drinks, cheesecake, music and some very witty quotes... Me: "I didn't even see that curve! That is why you don't drink when your drunk! I mean drive when your drunk!"
Kelly: Good thing Matt's driving!! LoL

We may have even got these totes awesome candy friendship bracelets??

I am putting those crappy few days from last week behind me! This is a new week and I am determined to make the best of it! Even if today started with a horrible headache and no workout yet...

My crazy life this week:
Today: My hubby is off to pick up new bunk beds for the boys' room and they are so excited! That also means we will have to put them together :(

Tuesday: Getting Sis' room cleaned out and organized! (Doesn't sound like much, but will take all day!)

Wednesday: One of my BFF's is having open heart surgery! She is super strong and amazing, so I'm sure she will be fine... And we will be partying it up in the waiting room! I know she wouldn't want it any other way... We didn't think wine was appropriate, but we did brainstorm on how to make it happen! Like I said, classy, funny bitches we are!

Thursday: I finally have my doctors appointment to test my thyroid! I am pretty sure this is the cause of my non-weight loss after 6 weeks of working my ass off and eating really great (with the exception of last week!) Just really need some answers/advice! Then I am sure I will head to the hospital to visit my BFF if she is up for visitors :)

Friday: Nothing planned but visiting the hospital or doing whatever she or her hubby need me to do :) ok, maybe a little pizza and wine too???!?

Saturday/Sunday: Clean out the basement as much as possible to make way for a playroom for my crazy kiddos!! This is soooooo needed right now!

Well, there you have it... My week to come in a nutshell! I know, it is way too exciting for you to handle, so calm yourself!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Well, I think Spring has finally arrived!! The kids have been playing outside, flowers are popping up an our first thunderstorm of the year today :) FINALLY!! And when I left for the gym at 5:20am it was actually kinda warm!

I have been trying todo some Spring cleaning, but just can't seem to get past the normal everyday chores that need done! I am working on changing out the kiddos clothes... I have some amazing friends that were more than generous with clothes their kiddos have outgrown! With the hubby still laid off, I was almost in tears! One less thing to worry about and for that, "Thank you Katy and Kelly!!"

As far as my eating better and working out goes, that is going great! For the past 5 weeks I have gone to the gym 5 days a week!! And today I didn't get as much cardio in as I wanted, so I came home an did another 20 minutes of Zumba! The boys were up and thought it was pretty funny and they were dancing too!! Still haven't seen any weight loss... But I am just gonna keep in keepin' on...

NSV = my wedding rings are really loose!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Quick Rant

This will be a quick post... Maybe... Well, probably not, but whatever...

I decided to weigh myself today at the gym. And the result was a gain of .2 pounds! This is after a month of eating better and working out 5 days a week... Really?? Seriously?? Yuuuup... Welcome to my life.

So after a heart to heart with my trainer, I am going to increase my cardio days to 45-60 minutes and we are going to do things a little different on weight training days. I will be increasing my weight but for less reps! And I am told, I WILL be sore... Being it on bitches!!

But when she asked if my clothes are fitting better, I said no. My pants are tighter in my thighs and butt and my shirts are tighter in my arms! So she is guessing that while I may not be losing inches, my overall body fat is most likely going down!! Yay... Something positive!!

Ok, my rant is over...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Too much Easter = Batshitcrazyville

It's been a few since my last post. I have been trying to head to bed earlier since I was getting up with the sun to workout! Going to bed early is great, but getting woke up by the hubby's fire pager going off sucks! Yup, the hubby is a fire fighter, be jealous... Hahaha

We had a very busy, Easter filled weekend! Saturday morning we headed to one of my girlfriends church for an Easter egg hunt. The kiddos got a ridiculous amount of candy and prizes and had a ton of fun! Little dude even ate 3 hot dogs!!

Then we headed to a birthday party for my cousin's boys. I made them a camo birthday cake :) The cake turned out great, but it was certainly the hardest cake I have ever made!! I gave myself a bloody nose and migraine rolling out the "camo" fondant... Ok, maybe it was just a coincidence, but the timing was spot on! The boys liked it and that's all that matters :)

By the end of the day on Saturday my kiddos were driving themselves to Batshitcrazyville!! Candy makes them freak out and they were on candy overload! From jelly beans and chocolate eggs to pixie stix and cake... They were a grumpy, silly, sticky mess!! Not to mention filthy from playing outside all day for the first time in months...

Our Easter started off bright and early, but was really nice. The kiddos found their baskets and loved all of the goodies! Then I made some French toast and strawberries, which none of the kids ate since they were already full of candy! Oh well, it was yummy! More for me and the hubby!!

After breakfast we just chilled the rest of the morning while the kiddos played with their goodies... And I am sure there is about a gallon of bubbles in my carpet :( About the time we needed to get ready to head to my Grandma's for dinner the kiddos all headed down the road back to Batshitcrazyville!! The rest of the day was filled with more candy, an Easter egg hunt, lots of good food and desserts and more Easter basket goodies from my Mom... And what would a family holiday be without a few hands of spades and some nudey cards from the 70's?!?! Yup, you read that right... That's how my family rolls... We're real classy and shit! LoL

And needless to say, the clean and healthy eating went out the window this weekend!! But I was back on track Monday counting calories and started week 4 of the C25K program... I even had some calories left for some Easter candy!!

My non-scale victory, or NSV, for last week was finishing week 3! I was pretty sure I was not going to be able to run 3 minutes straight, but I did! And I even ran 5 minutes straight yesterday!! I got this running shit in the bag...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Leaving Batshitcrazyville

My kiddos are still driving me crazy, but we have left Batshitcrazyville for now... I have replaced my moodiness about the lose of my dear friend the scale with just missing it. I was getting ready for the shower and walked over to where it used to be and was sad :( Ok, I know... How pathetic, just snap out of it, it's just a friggin scale!!!

Ok, I'm over it... No more whining about the damn scale! Does that mean I can whine about my sore legs and ass?? Because they really hurt!! I increased my rep count this week because I apparently wanted to torture myself!

And I have decided that if I make it through this week 3 of the "couch to 5k" program, then I can do anything!! Alright, maybe not anything, but pretty damn close! This week is torture, and I was pretty certain I was going to have a biggest loser moment and vomit in the trash can on Monday... Yup!!

I fell hard off the "eating well" wagon this weekend and it has been a struggle to get my ass back on it! Our family has been trying to eat mostly "clean" meals and my husband finds it hilarious to say we are "eatin' dirty" when we don't! Yeah, it is pretty funny!!

Well, I have about 9-10 loads of laundry to fold that are calling my name tonight... Yeah, don't judge me, it's been a rough couple days around the crazy house! But I am totally determined to get my butt in gear and start Spring cleaning... Someday... Soon...

PS... If I ever replace my scale, I will be doing something similar to this picture :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Welcome to Batshitcrazyville...

Yup, I arrived in Batshitcrazyville today! The kiddos drove me there all day and I finally arrived! It was a horrible journey filled with sassy mouths, temper tantrums, selective hearing and meanness!

I didn't fall asleep until after 1am and up at 5am to hit the gym. Then home, shower, get myself and three kids ready. Load them up and drop them with my sister so I can head to the dentist(PS, I hate the dentist), but not before stopping at the gym to grab my shoes I left there after my workout! I checked to see if I may have left my brain there too, but no luck...

This probably doesn't sound all that bad, but being that I am having scale withdrawals... Don't judge me, lol... I am still a moody b!tch. And today I was a moody, exhausted, cranky b!tch!

We get home this afternoon and all the kiddos are tired, but no one wants to nap. If only they knew how much they will miss them when they get older... Little dude walks in the door, whines about how tired he is and that he can't take his own coat off! Really?? I responded with "Well Mommy is sleepy too!" Yup... I went there. I am not proud and I know, how mature of me?!?

Anyways... Somewhere between no naps and a spilled box of cheese-its, we arrived at Batshitcrazyville! I am hoping this is a short stay... I am sure to visit again, just hoping it will be quite some time from now :)

I am off to dream land... And tomorrow I am getting my hair done, so it has to be a good day, right?!?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The day has come...

The kiddos have been driving me crazy the last two days and the day has come to say goodbye to my beloved scale... To say that I am moody is an understatement! I am tired, cranky, frustrated and just a straight up b!tch this week! My poor husband...

Obsessed is probably the word I would use to describe the relationship between my scale and I. And it didn't matter if I was gaining or losing, I just couldn't resist stepping on every time I was near it! The trainer at the gym said to put it in my basement and I hate going down there, but I would probably go down there anyway...

So after 8 years, it is going in the garbage!! And from now on I will be celebrating non scale victories and weighing in at the gym once a month! It is so very pathetic how sad I am about all this!

Joining the scale in the garbage bag today will also be these damn jelly beans that have haunted me since Saturday!! I am on a roll now... These kiddos better watch out or they might join the scale and the beans! (completely joking!)

Now do you all see why I am such a moody b!tch today?!?!